The Andreas Method®

The Andreas Method® is recognized internationally to deliver uncompromised, integrated strategies to promote outstanding health and peak performance.

This gentle method works on the root of imbalances - informational interferences which are triggered by energetic blockages as well as environmental and lifestyle weakening influences. This synergistic, personalized approach works from the inside out:


The Andreas Method® has been shown especially effective in cases of stress, anxiety, and inner restlessness due to it’s ability to safely lift blockages from your spirit.


“A true break-through health experience.”

- Dr. Melvin


“ nine relaxation, spirit detox, vanished stress, and a stronger immune system...”

- Angeleno -

The Andreas Method® Energy Healing

The Andreas Method® Energy Healing nurtures, detoxifies, and balances you on all levels. This gentle yet profoundly healing approach removes the deepest energetic blockages and promotes self-healing vitality, and joy. Open up to renewal, growth, and inner peace. Improve communication and cleanse generational family energy blockages. Release the past and welcome new beginnings. Liberate yourself.

Nutrition and Health Coaching

A diet rich in unprocessed, plant-based foods is essential for excellent health. The complex nutrient profile of whole foods works synergistically. The Andreas Method®’s unique energetic approach to food and lifestyle choices integrates Principles of Herbalism, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as Modern Research.

Space Clearing

The environment we spend prominent time in greatly influences our biology. Creating a wellness supporting environment includes a fundamental energetic clearing of the space (esp. traumatic events that have occurred in that space or on that property) and choosing health-promoting sleep and workspaces.

The Andreas Method® Homeopathy

The environment we spend prominent time in greatly influences our biology. Creating a wellness supporting environment includes a fundamental energetic clearing of the space (esp. traumatic events that have occurred in that space or on that property) and choosing health-promoting sleep and workspaces.

Bio Clay Clearing by Jeannette von Johnsbach

BioClay Clearing effectively opens the main energetic detox channels so that your body can detox effectively yet gently - without experiencing a detox crisis. Clays and magma rich in fulvic and humic acids are an invaluable practice in removing scar tissue obstruction and increasing micro-circulation, lymph flow, and nerve flow. Mother earths most fundamental healing agents are customized to your unique situation. Bio Clay Clearing uses personalized herbal and clay blends infused with bioenergy. These are placed synergistically on carefully chosen energetic points while using The Andreas Method’s unique signature bioenergetic process. BioClay Clearing is especially effective in removing long-standing energetic scar tissue obstructions.

Zen Shiatsu

The Andreas Method® provides truly authentic Zen Shiatsu. This unique, non-invasive Japanese bodywork therapy is also referred to as “Acupuncture without Needles”. It uses the Power of Touch and structural release with a deep understanding and application of Traditional Chinese Medicine Principles to balance the body’s energy system.